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Get repair estimates,

then book a pro directly.

From repair estimates to repairs done.

Negotiate the best deal during your home sale with zip code specific repair estimates from your inspection, prepared by industry experts. You’ll get your repair estimate within 24 hours and be ready to negotiate the best home sale price based on your inspection. Then you can book a Thumbtack pro right from your repair estimate report.

How It Works

Follow a few simple steps to get access to your repair estimates, called a Home Repair Estimate, within 24 hours.


Upload your home inspection


Access your Home Repair Estimate with repair estimates within 24 hours


Book Thumbtack pros directly from your report

You can access your Home Repair Estimate securely anytime on desktop or mobile, and share access to collaborate with your family or your real estate agent.

What you get

The Home Repair Estimate comes complete with all the tools you need to be confident in your purchase.

Man working on laptop

ZIP Code specific repair estimates broken down by materials and labor

Thumbtack's cost estimates are based on more than 30 years of research on 20,000 project estimates from 35,000 providers of materials and labor across the US. Every Home Repair Estimate is reviewed by an industry expert before it's sent to you.

Prioritized repairs by severity and urgency

At the core of the Home Repair Estimate is a list of repairs based on defects identified in the inspection. We tell you where the repairs need to happen, prioritize them, estimate costs, and identify the type of contractors who could do the work – all linked to the page number of the home inspection report.

Woman working on tablet

All Included Features

Beautiful interactive reports

Repair & maintenance recommendations

Full and detailed analysis of all repairs

24-hour turnaround guarantee

Inspection report securely saved online


Easy and secure built-in sharing.

Always available: 24 hour access

Lifetime account access

SSL encryption

Easy data input

Simple Inspection PDF Upload

Property photo uploads

Disclaimer: Thumbtack is not a home inspection company and is not responsible for the contents of your home inspection report. Prices listed in your Home Repair Estimate are estimates and actual prices will vary depending on many factors. Prioritizations in your Home Repair Estimate are based upon either the original inspection report results, or Thumbtack’s judgment made without expertise and without an opportunity to view the property. Prioritizations are solely an opinion that should not be relied upon without consulting a service professional with a specialization in the issue at hand. Inspector Notes are based solely on a review of your home inspection report and should not be relied upon without consulting a service professional. Always consult a professional to determine next steps. Your use of the Home Repair Estimate constitutes your agreement with Thumbtack’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.